Class Act

It’s been especially busy in the BG office this week as all of us editors work on “closing” the July/August issue that you’ll find on the newsstands May 18th. Yes, we work pretty far in advance! So in the midst of reading copy, approving layouts, and reading even more copy (fyi: after a story is designed and copy flowed onto the layout, it gets read, edited and re-edited several times) I took a little time to speak with 17 students from LIM (Laboratory Institute of Merchandising) College, located in mid-town Manhattan. Their professor and my good friend and all-around super lady, Ionia Dunn Lee, asked me to address her Field Trip class on what I do as Editor, as well as what’s new in the bridal and publishing industries. Fun! The class came up to the BG offices and settled into our conference room for my hour-long talk. (That’s Ionia in the chic dotted scarf with her students):

ionia and the students

And some other bright, lovely faces:


more students

It was great to speak with these attentive, smart and engaging students (Gee, was I ever that poised?) and fill them in on just what we do here at Bridal Guide and how it all comes together. (Hint: months of planning, meetings, research, writing, photographing, designing, etc. until we get to “closing” weeks and the final product is shipped to the printer.) One of the things I loved about meeting these students (and you, too, whenever I can) is getting feedback on what topics are important to you and what your interests are. After all, as editors, we want to make sure that Bridal Guide gives you the very best advice and inspires you with creative ideas. I loved hearing that even though all of these students are online users, they still love their magazines and as one student said, “It’s so much more intimate and so great to read magazine pages and see the gorgeous photos.” Ah, music to my ears! So thank you Ionia and the LIM Field Trip class for being such fantastic listeners and for your terrific comments, input and questions. (Stay tuned to see which one of the two covers you liked will be chosen!)

Posted by Diane at 4:46 p.m.