The Royal Wedding Countdown Begins

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By this time tomorrow, Prince William will have wed his Princess Bride and all of the 24/7 news coverage will have died down…somewhat. In the meantime, news anchors and reporters regale us with the latest tidbits of information about the Royal Wedding. I have to admit that I’m quite impressed that Kate Middleton's dress and designer have stayed under wraps! Not even on WikiLeaks! We already know that Kate Middleton will be a traditional bride when warranted: She’ll wear a tiara and place a sprig of myrtle in her bouquet, as all royal brides have done since Queen Victoria. But we also know that she’s very much a modern bride and will set her own tone: She’s arriving in a Rolls Royce vs. a carriage and omitting the word “obey” from her vows. Along with many of you, I will set my alarm for the wee hours to tune in and take notes. And tomorrow I’ll weigh in on the dress, the details, the festive celebration and what trends we can expect to see in weddings to come. Enjoy the wedding!

— Diane Forden