45 Places to Go This Year

Last week, the travel world got all atwitter—ha—when the New York Times published their annual list of where to go in the coming year. The list has 45 exciting destinations that range from the I’ve-been-wanting-to-check-that-out-for-a-while spot (ahem, Panama and Tanzania) to the hmm-I-never-would-have-thought-of-that spot (Tibet, Glasgow, and Birmingham, England).

But what the list really did was make all the travel writers I know get out their calculators and see how many they’ve been to—and how many they plan to tick off their personal list. Since I’ve got 5 down (well, sort of 6, but I only spent about 3 hours surfing in one spot, and I only count it if I slept over), I’m down to 40. I think I’ll start at number one. And I may skip space….


#1 on the list: Panama (Photo courtesy of Tourism Authority of Panama)

—Jenna Mahoney

P.S. To read more about Panama, go here. And for info on hosting a wedding there, click aquí