Top 10 Wedding Guest Complaints

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Here's how to thank guests for their support and ensure that you do everything in your power to make sure they have a fabulous time.

5. Climate crisis.

Every frequent wedding-goer has experienced an event that was either scorching or freezing cold. Subjecting guests to extreme weather conditions will severely cramp their style.

How to deal: You can't help it if a weather emergency happens on your wedding day. However, there are small, fun measures you can take to ensure that guests are comfortable, beyond the obvious (plenty of shade and heat). Some ideas: double-duty fans that serve as programs for summer weddings and gifting your bridesmaids a shawl or faux fur wrap for winter weddings.

bridesmaids with fur shrugs

Faux fur shrugs add a seasonal element to your wedding photos and keep guests warm (see how happy they look?).
Photo Credit: Zenobia Studios

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