Ask the Experts: Is it Okay to Serve Little Alcohol at the Reception?

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Bridal Guide Editor-in-Chief Diane Forden weighs-in on a mother of the bride's issue with limited libations at the wedding reception. 

Ask the Experts

Q: My daughter and her fiance are paying for their wedding and other than sparkline wine for the champagne toast they are not going to serve any alcohol. I feel strongly that some other wines and beer should also be offered. What are your thoughts? – Little Rock, Arkansas

A: Their decision is probably financial. Obviously they will be saving quite a bit by eliminating all other drinks. If you're concerned that guests will be disappointed with just a glass of bubbly then speak with your daughter and let her know your concerns. You might offer to pick up the tab for more libations if your finances permit. Or perhaps they can consider other ways to cut from the budget by re-assessing the guest list, flower costs, catering, etc. in order to include more drink options. Ultimately, though, it is up to the couple as hosts to determine how their money is spent.